RICHARD DU BOIS at biceps 18, chest 50/52 thighs 26.5 waist 32.

age 21 6' 1 1/2 207 lbs calves 17.5 calves 17.5,

We slipped up on Dick unawares to take this candid shot under a home-made shower of a wilderness cabin.. As he has matured, Dick's interests have broadened, and he has interspersed his physical training with acting and singing lessons. But even more important to him now is the study of great philosophies and he spends many hours in the wilderness in meditation.

He has personally autographed photos of himself which he offers at $1.50 each for an 8x10 or 5 prints for $5. Write Richard Du Bois at 1159 North Detroit Los Angeles 46, California. (AMG offers a 35mm color set on Du Bois).

Page 4

The reverse of this shot showing Ed Fury leaving his little hacienda has been printed so many times (in ads, full page photos, Bob French's AMG calendar etc) that we felt physique fans might prefer to see Ed finally go back into the hut, so we oblige herewith.

Ed was about 22 at the time this shot was taken, 5'11" 185 lbs, chest 48/51, waist 29, biceps 17 forearms 15.5, thighs 25, calf 17, neck 17, hips 34.5

AMG has in excess of 600 shots of Ed (available in miniature at $2.40), a set of 12 4x5 photos $2.50, and six 35mm color slides $3.

In addition to considerable. work for the major motion picture studios, Ed has recently starred in a movie short "Because of Him" produced by Apollo Films 155 W. 46 St. New York 36 Ny, lasting 6 minutes available $65 in full color and sound. (Write studio for prices of silent, 8 mm and B&W prints.)